Category Archives: BLAKE2b Miner

Evaluation on Antminer A3 Siacoin Miner

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Evaluation on Antminer A3 Siacoin Miner IMG N02

Bitmain, the professional miner manufacturer, officially introduced Antminer A3 In January, 2018, which is a new ASIC miner based on single encryption algorithm after Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dash miner series. Since the Antminer A3 is suitable for the currency based on Blake2b algorithm, the miner fans rushed to purchase once it started to be sold on market. What’s the actual performance of Antminer A3? Let’s have a look!

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Tutorial: Baikal Giant-B Siacoin miner SC/LBC/PASC All Supported

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Baikal Giant B Siacoin miner IMG 10

Baikal Giant-B is a miner model which supports Blake256R14/Blake256R8/Blake2B/Lbry/Pascal mining. All coins based on those algorithms are supported, such as Siacoin, lbryCoin, PascalCoin etc.. It’s 80GH with 300watt for Siacoin mining, which is very competitive. For Blake2B mining, it hits 80GH/s with a power consumption of ONLY 300w.

In this tutorial, we will show you step by step about how to set up the Baikal Giant-B.

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Tutorial: Antminer A3 BLAKE2b ASIC Miner for Siacoin Mining

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Antminer A3 BLAKE2b ASIC Miner for Siacoin Mining IMG 31

This tutorial is intended for the Antminer A3 BLAKE2b ASIC Miner for Siacoin Mining which is a BLAKE2 miner manufactured by BITMAIN. BLAKE2 is a cryptographic hash function faster than MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3, yet is at least as secure as the latest standard SHA-3. BLAKE2 has been adopted by many projects due to its high speed, security, and simplicity. The Antminer A3 supports all the crypto coins based on the BLAKE2b algorithm, such as Siacoin.
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