Dash: The Complete Guide

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What is Dash IMG 00

Dash (DASH) is an open sourced, privacy-centric digital currency supporting instant transactions. It enables you to keep your assets secure and you can make transactions without waits.

In this tutorial, we will introduce the primary knowledge and list further references for what you need to know about Dash (or Dashcoin, formerly known as Darkcoin and XCoin).


Quick Facts on Dash

Introduction to Dash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0oNO3mbBE8

Whitepaper: https://www.dash.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Dash-WhitepaperV1.pdf





Main exchanges:

Other exchanges (Official list): https://www.dash.org/exchanges/


Mining Pools

Main pools:

Other pools (Official list): https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/pools-exchanges-etc.1456/


Mining Source

CPU Mining:

GPU Mining:

ASIC Mining:


Other Tools