Tutorial: Antminer S1 180GH @ 360w Bitcoin Miner

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Antminer S1 is the first BITMAIN bitcoin miner. It signifies a starting point for the exciting cryptocurrency mining industry. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate the setting-up for Antminer S1(180GH @ 360w) bitcoin miner.


Miner Specifications

Brand Antminer S1
Hash Rate 180 GH/s ± 5%
Power Consumption 360w ± 5%
Network Connection Ethernet/Wifi
PSU NO PSU included
PSU Recommend LITEON 1000w server PSU


Antminer Manual

  • download the AntMiner user manual: here



  • This is how you’ll receive your AntMiner S1 180 GH/S miner from EastShore.

  • Set up the power source.  The miner will consume 360W.  So a 400W computer PSU makes a necessary choice.  (550W PSU with 80 PLUS would be better for stable operation, and make sure the 12V DC of the power is up to 45A) , and the PSU has a 6pin*2 connector; For this guide, we are using SUPER FLOWER SF-550P14XE 550W ATX 80PLUS GOLD power supply. You can also buy the 750w PSU  here).  The specifications of this miner are as in the picture below:

  • Get a QUALITY and STRONG enough power supply. There is risk that the miner shuts down due to insufficient power.
  • You will need 1 jumper wire.  On the PSU’s 24pin motherboard power cable, you have to cross the “Green” line and the “Black” line. (The PSU has a computer inside and it communicates with the motherboard.  For this setup, there is no computer motherboard to connect to, so, we have to make the PSU “think” it’s connected to the motherboard and the PCI and PCI-Express ports need the +12 V power.

  • Connect the miner and the PSU: It is easy to connect the miner and the PUS now, let’s just connect the 6pin of the PSU to the miner. The miner needs 2 6pin cords for the power supply, so your PSU should have 2 6pin cords. You can use the 6pin connector or the 6pin+2 connector as shown in the pictures below:

  • Connect as shown in the picture below:

  • Insert the 2 6pin cord to the miner.
  • Find Out Your Home Internet Setting: [Windows] While your computer is connected to the Internet, go to the Command Prompt and type “ipconfig” then press “ENTER” .  This will give you the network information you’ll need later.  Write it down!

  • Power On the AntMiner & Connect the AntMiner to your Computer

  • Connect the AntMiner and your computer with an ethernet cord. When you turn on the AntMiner the first time, and you’ll see 3 LED indicators connected to the Control Board with the Ethernet Port, the red and green LEDs under the white-colored cables on top of the AntMiner and a 3rd light is the green LED for the Ethernet Port.
  • Setup IP address on your computer.

  • If you are using the Microsoft Windows 7, here is the step by step process to configure your AntMiner. Start Button  >>  Control Panel  >>  Network and Internet (View network status and tasks)  >>  Change adapter setting (Left side of the screen)  >>  Local Area Connection (Double Click)  >> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) then click on “Properties” >>  Select Use the following IP address: look at near the cooling fan on the AntMiner.  You’ll find a white sticker with an IP address printed on it.  (Example:   Set your computer’s IP address to the following:   IP Address: Subnet: Default Gateway:   For the DNS Setting:  Select “Obtain DNS server address automatically.
  • Configure AntMiner for Mining Bitcoin

  • Open a web browser and type the IP address printed on the sticker above the cooling fan on the AntMiner. (Example:
  • A login page will appear on the webpage and ask you for the username and the password.  (Default Username: root  Default Password: root)
  • After log into the control panel, go to the Status Tab, then “Miner Configuration” tab. Here, fill in your mining pool information. Example: Pool 1 Pool1 worker: worker’s name from your mining pool account Pool1 password: worker’s password from your mining pool account. If you have multiple pools you want to mine, you can add pool 2 and pool3 AntMiner Network Setting (LAN).

  • By default, it should be already set as “DHCP Client” mode, but if it isn’t for some reasons, change it like the above picture.  Then hit “Switch protocol” button, wait for the screen to refresh, then click “Save & Apply” at the bottom.  Wait till the update completes.  (Updating may take 1 – 2 minutes.  If it gets stuck , try again.)
  • Change IP address of the AntMiner [Option].

  • If you decide to change the AntMiner’s IP address, WRITE IT DOWN & DO NOT FORGET it.  If you forget the IP address, you will not be able to access AntMiner again.
  • Even though the AntMiner supports built-in Wi-Fi mining, to get the best out of the miner while running Wi-Fi at home, it is not recommended to use wifi mining if your network is unstable.



Trouble 1. It gets stuck at “Updating Cgminer”

  • Go to your control panel, Status >> System Log   If you see the following error or something similar, Your DNS server is not resolving the address or connection to the following servers are restricted/filtered by your ISP or County’s Restrictions
  • Code:
Fri Sep 27 15:39:40 2013 daemon.info sysinit: ntpd: bad address '3.openwrt.pool.ntp.org'
Fri Sep 27 15:39:40 2013 daemon.info sysinit: ntpd: could not resolve peer 3.openwrt.pool.ntp.org, skipping
Fri Sep 27 15:40:10 2013 daemon.info sysinit: ntpd: bad address '2.openwrt.pool.ntp.org'
Fri Sep 27 15:40:10 2013 daemon.info sysinit: ntpd: could not resolve peer 2.openwrt.pool.ntp.org, skipping
Fri Sep 27 15:40:40 2013 daemon.info sysinit: ntpd: bad address '1.openwrt.pool.ntp.org'
Fri Sep 27 15:40:40 2013 daemon.info sysinit: ntpd: could not resolve peer 1.openwrt.pool.ntp.org, skipping
Fri Sep 27 15:41:10 2013 daemon.info sysinit: ntpd: bad address '0.openwrt.pool.ntp.org'
Fri Sep 27 15:41:10 2013 daemon.info sysinit: ntpd: could not resolve peer 0.openwrt.pool.ntp.org, skipping
  • Here is the list of IP Addresses to the NTP Servers

Trouble 2. Beeping Noise from the AntMiner

  • If your AntMiner was making rapid clicking noises  that means it lost the Internet Connection to the AntMiner. When the internet connection is back, it will start mining automatically.
  • When the miner loses network connection, the miner status page seems to reset the time counter (timer) but no negative effect to the mining operation. There are two ways to tell if your miner have disconnected from the internet.
    • First, clicking noise from your miner. Also, the 2 small green led lights on both side of the miner will stop flashing.
    • Second, the miner status page and the running timer (Elapsed) is reset and starts from “0”.
  • Here is the video to show what the minder does: http://youtu.be/3qNxES1mnZc
    • When the internet connection is disrupted, it makes constant clicking noise, and the green LED on the PCB (Main PCBs for the ASIC Chips) will go off. The fan would also turn off.
    • When the miner regains the internet connection, the clicking noise goes away and about 30 seconds or so later, the green LEDs will start flashing again. These Green LEDs indicate the miner is actually hashing. Then, the fan will start.
    • When you log onto the miner’s control panel, the time counter on the miner’s status page will be reset.

Trouble 3. Your AntMiner Keeps Shutting Down

  • If you miner keeps shutting down after working for a while. Your problem is very likely in the PSU.
  • Check the jumper cable to make sure the PIN16 (Green) and PIN17(Black) are crossed. Make sure you are not using the thin loose wire or paperclip for this.
  • If the Jumper Cable is jammed in and set correctly, it could be your power supply unit.  You may be using the 550W or even 750W PSU but it may not be strong enough to do the job.
  • To check the PSU, run your AntMiner in 1 blade Mode. Disconnect all the power cables from the 2nd blade. The 1st Blade is the Network Cable Port Side. Disconnect the white plug on the top from the 2nd Blade. Power On the AntMiner. If the problem is in your PSU, AntMiner will power on and it will start mining at about 90GH/S. If you want to test the 2nd Blade, replace the 1st Blade with the 2nd Blade. (By the network cable port, there are 2 white plugs.  Make sure both are connected to the 2nd blade.)
  • If it powers on, then the problem is most likely in your PSU.  Get a reliable PSU. If you have an extra CD/DVD drive laying around, try plugging it into the Molex power cable to create the base load on 5V line. Depending on your PSU Model, it may fix your looped auto-shutoff.  (http://reprap.org/wiki/PCPowerSupply#Base_Load )

Trouble 4. Your +12V Molex/IDE/SATA Power cable is getting very Hot

  • If you used the +12V line from the Molex/IDE/SATA Power Cable and the AntMiner powers on, but the power cables are very hot and the miner is under performing, DISCONTINUE using the Molex’s +12V line.
  • The 4-pin Molex or so-called SATA/IDE power cable has 1 +12V cable (yellow), however, this cable’s maximum current is usually 5 Amps and 60W. That is not enough to support each blade.
  • Usually, +12V from the Molex power cable will not power up the AntMiner. There are instances that the miner will power on. It is NOT recommended though!

Trouble 5. Your PSU’s cables are not color-coded

  • Look at the photo above.  It will show you the pinout information. There are several different shapes of connectors and power specifications.
  • Pay attention to the 8-Pin Power Connectors. There are 2 kinds of 8-Pin Connectors.  WARNING: An 8 pin 12-volt cable has yellow wires on the same side as the connector clip. An 8 Pin PCI Express cable has black wires on the clip side. (See Above Pinout Diagram)

6. You got “x” in the ASIC Status

  • For the ASIC status, “x” doesn’t necessarily means the chip is faulty or failing.  If the hashing power is compromised, check your PSU and wiring, reboot.  It should go back to an average 168-180 GH/s range per AntMiner. When you are getting “x” on the ASIC chip status, turn off the Antminer and check if your PSU cables are connected properly,  and restart.
  • Keep monitoring the “x” , see if it gets worse.

7. Your AntMiner arrived with no IP address sticker

8. Your Mining Pool Speed is slower than 180GH

  • Check your AntMiner’s Mining Status Page.  If the status showed 168-180, your miner is working as it should.
  • The mining pool speed calculation is based on what you transmit to the pool after the hashing. It is normal to see the mining pool GH/s speed fracture and sometimes it may show significantly lower hashing speed.
  • Check your network conditions and maintain a stable internet connection. In our experience, we have seen 120GH/s speed at the miner status page when my Internet connection was on and off due to the ISP problems.

9. How to upgrade the firmware?

  • If your AntMiner’s PCB shows 2013/11/4, you can upgrade to the current firmware to reduce high HW errors and fixes ASIC Chip Status Errors and others. Steps: Log in to your control panel, then go to System >> Backup/Flash Firmware
  • Use “Flash new firmware image” and click “choose File”  then Click “Flash Image”   Download: antMiner_openwrt20131129.bin
  • OVERCLOCKING ANTMINER:  Damages due to overclocking will void the product warranty!  Discretion is recommended! When frequency set to 400MHz to overclock, the miner consumes 500 – 525Watts. For how to set overclocking:
    • A) ssh into your miner
    • B) edit the following file /etc/config/asic-freq   C) change timeout to 36, freq_value to ‘0780’, ‘chip_freq’ to 400.


root@antMiner2:/etc/config# vim asic-freq 
package 'cgminer'
config 'asic-freq' 'default'
        #option 'freq_value'      '0780'        #400M
        #option 'freq_value'    '4d81'  #350M
        #option 'chip_freq'     '350'
        option 'timeout'        '36'
        #option 'freq_value'    '4c81'  #325M
        #option 'chip_freq'     '325'
        option 'freq_value'     '0780'  #350M
        option 'chip_freq'      '400'
        #option 'freq_value'    '0580'  #300M
        #option 'chip_freq'     '300'
        #option 'freq_value'    '0981'  #250M
        #option 'chip_freq'     '250'
        #option 'freq_value'    '4f02'  #190M
        #option 'chip_freq'     '190'

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