Tutorial: Baikal Giant-N 20KH @ 60w Cryptonight Miner

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Baikal Giant N Cryptonight Miner IMG 30

Baikal Giant-N is a miner model which currently supports Cryptonight and Cryptonight-lite mining. It’s most distinct quality is its remarkable ratio of hash rate/power consumption, 20KH/60watt(for Cryptonight) ratio, which is very competitive.

In this tutorial, we will show you step by step about how to set up the miner.


Miner Specifications

Brand Baikal Giant-N
Algorithm Cryptonight/Cryptonight-Lite
Network Connection Ethernet
PSU NO PSU, a PSU > 60w with 6pin x 3 needed
PSU Recommend Antminer APW3++ PSU



First of all, some knowledge about the currency and algorithm will be helpful.

And also, you should know some useful Cryptonight mining pools. You need to choose one of the mining pools and create a mining worker in that pool. Also, it is recommended that you have a look at the “Help” section of your mining pool.

Below are some useful sources for Cryptonight mining:

In our tutorial, we will use the Nicehash as our test pool.


Miner Connection

  • This is how you’ll receive the miner from EastShore.

Baikal Giant N Cryptonight Miner IMG 18

  • Take out your miner from the box. There are two extra cables in the box. The yellow one is a one-to-three 6PIN connector convert cable(which can be used to convert one 6PIN connector to three connectors). The red one is a power adapter convert cable(you don’t need this if you use an ATX PSU or server PSU).

Baikal Giant N Cryptonight Miner IMG 17

  • There are three blades in the miner(and three 6PIN ports on the miner).

Baikal Giant N Cryptonight Miner IMG 12

  • There are some ports on one end of the miner. We labeled them in the following picture.

Baikal Giant N Cryptonight Miner IMG 31

  • The connection of the miner is simple. First, let’s connect your PSU to the miner via the three 6PIN ports on the miner.  Then, insert your ethernet cable.

Baikal Giant N Cryptonight Miner IMG 32

  • The connection was done.


Mining Guide

The mining guide of the Baikal Giant-N is the same as the Baikal Mini 150MH X11 miner. Please check the {Mining Guide} section of the Baikal Mini X11 Miner for setting-up: https://www.eastshoremining.com/tutorial-x11-asic-miner-baikal-mini-150mh-40w-dash-miner/

The followings are some important tips for this Cryptonight miner setting-up:

  • Make sure the pool and the worker you set are for the Cryptonight mining(Not for X11 mining).
  • Before setting your mining account, you should first take a look at the “HELP” page of your mining pool to know the mining URL of your pool. For example, we tested the miner in the Nicehash. According to its HELP page, we create the mining worker “eastshore” in our pool account and set our pool URL of the miner as:

Pool URL: stratum+tcp://cryptonight.hk.nicehash.com:3355

Pool Worker: 32E……….XM (Your mining ADDRESS)

Pool Password: 123


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