Tutorial: Innosilicon A4+ LTCMaster 620MH with 750w Litecoin Miner

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Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner img 20

This tutorial is intended for the Innosilicon A4+ LTCMaster 620MH with 750w Litecoin Miner which is one of the most powerful litecoin miner of Innosilicon. The hashrate of the A4+ LTCMaster is 620MH while the power consumption is only 750w.


Miner Specifications

Brand Innosilicon A4+ LTCMaster
Hash Rate 620Mh/s (+-8% performance, can be over-clocked at user’s risk)
Power Consumption 750W (+/-8%, normal mode, at the wall, with 93% efficiency PSU, 25°C temperature )
Cooling 2 x 12038 fan
Network Connection Ethernet
PSU Recommend Antminer APW3++ PSU


Official User Manual

The official user manual should work fine already.  However, for beginner users, the following details might be helpful.


Get Your Network Ready

The default IP of the miner is“. So you need to:

  1. Make sure the IP address of your router is “192.168.1.x“(the ‘x’ stands for a number between 1~253). Or you need to change the IP address of your router to “192.168.1.x”
  2. Make sure there are no other devices occupying the default IP address of the miner( Otherwise, you may can’t login to the configuration page of the miner.

In Windows, please use the “ipconfig” command to find out your network details.

How to find out your network details:

  1. Press “Win Key + R“, then a “RUN” box will be shown.
  2. Type “cmd” in the text box and then hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
  3. A black box with a flashing cursor will open; this is the Command Prompt.
  4. Type “ipconfig” and then hit the Spacebar on your keyboard. Then type in the address you’d like to ping and then hit the Enter key on your keyboard. After a bit, you will get the network result. The “Default Gateway” in the result is the IP address of your router.

Litecoin Miner A4 Dominator network details


Miner Connection

  • Get your PSU ready. You’ll need a PSU > 750w with 6pin x 9 for the miner. Check here for the Setting-up for PSU.
  • For the miner configuration, please connect the miner to the LAN port on the same router which your computer is also connected to. The miner is stand-alone, your computer is just needed for the miner configuration.
  • This is the Innosilicon A4+ you will receive from EastShore. For obvious reasons, newly developed miners (by different manufacturers) all look similar which actually makes it easier for users.

Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner img 17

  • Please check if all the cables on the miner are inserted tightly.
  • There are NINE 6PIN ports on the miner(2 ports on each hashing boards, and another one on the controller). All the NINE 6PIN ports are needed.

Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner img 10

  • Connect the miner to your PSU via the 6pin ports on the miner. All the NINE 6PIN ports on the miner should be connected.  (Don’t forget to connect the 6pin port on the little green controller board)

Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner img 21

  • Plug in the ethernet cord.
  • Miner connection DONE.

Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner img 22


Mining Guide

  • Power on the miner, wait for about 1~2 minutes.
  • The default IP of the miner is ““. you can log into the miner configuration page for miner configuration via the default IP. Please open your internet browser, such as Google Chrome, IE etc. and type in “”.

Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner img 24

  • Go to the “Miner Configuration” page. Click the “Config” button at the left-right corner.

Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner img 25

  • In the following page, click “Login” button to log into the configuration page. The default password is “12345678“.

Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner img 27

  • On the next page, you can configure your own mining account. Then click the button “Save” to save and apply the changes. In the configuration page, you don’t need to change any other options.

Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner img 28

  • The mining will automatically start after a few minutes. Go to the “Miner Status” page and keep refreshing the page until some data (Speed, miner account, pool etc.) is shown on the page (which means the machine has started mining. Generally, the miner needs about 3~7 minutes to start mining).

Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner Speed Test

  • You can also refer to the official manual for more details about miner configuration.


Testing video by EastShore

Innosilicon A4+ LTCMaster 620MH Litecoin Miner Performance Test


Running More than One Miners

If you are going to run more than one A4+ LTCMaster miners at the same time, you need to:

  • Connect and configure miners ONE BY ONE.
  • After configuring a miner, you need to CHANGE the default IP of that miner to a different one (DON’T keep the default IP So you can configure another miner via the default IP “”.

How to change the default IP address of the miner:

  • Click the “Network” tab on the configuration page.

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Innosilicon A4 Plus LTCMaster Litecoin Miner img 30

  • Click “Save & Apply” to save the changes. Then log in the configuration page again with your new IP address.


Trouble Shoot

Please refer to the official manual A4plus-master-of-the-world-use-instructions-en.pdf


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