Tutorial: Innosilicon S11 SiaMaster 3.83TH Siacoin Miner

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Innosilicon S11 SiaMaster Siacoin Miner Tutorial

This tutorial is intended for the Innosilicon S11 SiaMaster 3.83TH Siacoin Miner which is one of the most powerful Siacoin miner of Innosilicon so far. The hashrate of the Innosilicon S11 SiaMaster is 3.8TH while the power consumption is only 1380w.


Miner Specifications

Brand Innosilicon S11 SiaMaster
Hash Rate 3.8TH/s
Power Consumption 1380w
Cooling 2 x 12038 fan
Network Connection Ethernet
PSU Recommend Antminer APW3++ PSU


Mining Guide

Please refer to the official manual: S11-Sia-manual-en.pdf



Please refer to the official manual: S11-Sia-manual-en.pdf


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